3 Questions to Ask If You’re Always Turning to Food for Comfort
Food is MEANT to be enjoyed. There’s a difference between enjoying food and habitual comfort eating though.
Ask yourself these 3 questions if you find yourself turning to the potato chips & wine (or whatever your guilty pleasure is) more often than you’d like.

My Comfort Food Habit & How I Knew It Was Becoming a Problem
I put a bandage over my stress and boredom by distracting myself with afternoon coffee shop runs. The days where I needed a double dose of cheer I got a pastry to go with my almond milk latte.
I knew my comfort eating was a problem though when I realized it was keeping me from confronting the underlying truth: that I was unfulfilled by my work and needed to make a change, but I felt stuck.
My afternoon pick-me-up made me feel better in the moment, but it wasn’t actually fixing anything. It just put a bandaid on the real problem.
Ever had a similar experience turning to food when stressed, bored, anxious, sad, etc. where it made you feel good in the moment but not so great later on?