The 5-Day
Feel-Good Cleanse
Let me guess…
You’re tired of feeling tired all the time
Caffeine and something sweet are the two things helping you get through your day
Eating healthier sounds like something you should be doing, but you’re not sure where to begin or what to try
Or maybe this sounds familiar?
You just had a vacation or some special occasion where you ate way more than normal, and you’re feeling….ick
It feels as though you’re eating plenty but never quite satisfied
OR you hardly find the time to eat and are tired of calling a bag chips your lunch
If any of those ring a bell, then I have something
that will help you finally feel better.
What this Cleanse Is
This cleanse is a simplified version of an elimination diet, temporarily eliminating foods that are commonly associated with sensitivities and allergy symptoms. This helps give your body a break so it can naturally detox more efficiently and leave you feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by the end of the week.
The name of the game: no dairy, gluten, added sugar/sweeteners, or alcohol for five days (and no caffeine is optional but recommended!)
I know a cleanse may not sound like the most fun thing at first, but the 5-Day Feel-Good Cleanse isn’t just any boring cleanse. This is a fun cleanse (cue Amy Poehler in Mean Girls).
There is so much to potentially gain from doing a cleanse…
Clearer skin
Better sleep
Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms
Reset your digestive system & reduce bloat
Reduce cravings
Release toxins more efficiently
Boost your energy and mood
Understand how certain foods affect the way you feel
Enable your body to better heal itself by giving it a break from common allergens
…And overall feeling better in your body
What this Cleanse Isn’t
There are also LOTS of different programs out there: juice cleanses, The Master Cleanse, expensive kits with freeze dried soups and tinctures and all sorts of things…this is not one of those.
You WILL eat on this cleanse! I repeat, you should NOT be starving on this cleanse!
I believe in eating real, whole foods that nourish your body so you can have the energy you need to conquer your week and feel your absolute best. That’s what we’re aiming for here.
Clients who have done this 5-Day Cleanse with me before have said they’ve never felt better, felt less foggy, slept better, sugar cravings went away, and more.
Let’s do it!
Sign up by Wednesday & get $20 off the price: $97 $77
What to Expect
(for those who like to know alllll the details first)
1) Once you sign up you’ll receive these things to get started:
The Cleanse Guidebook—think of this as your cleanse Bible. It has everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t).
You’ll also get to choose from one of three “Cleanse Personas” to adopt for the week—each with a different type of diet and unique set of recipes:
Mediterranean Maven—focuses on food that is fruit & veggie forward but also includes poultry, eggs, fish, and shellfish
Plant-Based Goddess—focuses on food that is all vegan/plant-based, so no meat or animal-derived foods
Blender Babe—focuses on whole-food smoothies and hearty soups that are easier on digestion and perfect for making ahead. Recipes are fruit & veggie forward but can also include poultry, eggs, fish, and shellfishAccess to the private Facebook group where you’ll get to connect with everyone in the group and get full support from them as well as me all week long.
Early Bird Discount—if you sign up by Wednesday, you can save $20 on the price!
2) We’ll have some fun with the group and toast to the week ahead with a Happy Hour Kick-Off Call on Sunday before the cleanse starts (and of course I didn’t forget special mocktail recipes for this as well!)
3) There will be some fun surprises and a chance to win a delicious post-cleanse prize (think: goodies from one of my favorite local tea & chocolate shops)
4) The cleanse officially begins on *Date TBA* . You’ll have support the entire way by me and others doing the cleanse.
If you’re ready to stop feeling “blah” and try a clean diet with the support of a community, then I’d love for you to join the 5-day cleanse!
Just think, what could you do with a little more
pep in your step every day?
Join the 5-Day cleanse group for $97 and feel better than ever
***Sign up by Wednesday & get $20 off: $97 $77***
Have a question that I didn’t answer? Send me a message
Disclaimer: While this type of cleanse is very gentle and you will be eating whole foods at the recommended daily calorie intake, please consult with your doctor before doing any cleanse if you have significant health concerns. This cleanse has been done successfully many times and has shown the positive results mentioned above, but as with any program results may vary depending on your individual circumstances. While this cleanse should leave you feeling better than ever, some may experience things like mood swings or temporary headaches along the way (especially if you choose to remove caffeine from your diet). This should only be mild and temporary, but should you experience any serious discomfort or complications please reach out to me and consult your doctor immediately.