5 Ways to Switch Up Your Workouts & Create a “Movement Menu”
When you’re finding resistance in your movement goals, it could be as simple as trying something different.
I’ll ask my clients: What’s one type of movement that you’ve always wanted to try but never have? Or, what kind of movement did you enjoy as a kid?
This sparks a brainstorm and we’ll come up with what I call a “Movement Menu.” It’s a list of different movement modalities that you can choose from depending on your mood, energy level, and the time you have available.

3 Tips for Sustainable Healthy Eating
If you’re over the diet mentality and counting calories or points, I get you.
Here are a few simple tips for leaving the diet mentality behind and starting on the journey towards sustainable healthy eating long term.

5 Tips to Help You Cut Back on Alcohol
Cutting back on alcohol is a common goal for many of my clients, so I thought this would be helpful to share.
Having a drink here and there is usually not a problem (I myself love a glass of wine or a quality cocktail). But it can become a problem when it prevents you from keeping up with your health goals.
So if you’re curious about cutting back on alcohol, here are 5 tips to help with that.

Why Failure is Actually Part of the Journey to Get Your Health Back on Track
Have you ever heard the term “self-sabotage?”
It’s that point in your journey of getting your health back on track after things have been going super well, you’ve been knocking out your goals, and then all of a sudden you start to revert back to your old ways. You go back to those old habits you’ve worked so hard to get away from, and often you don’t even know why you’re doing it.
Clients come to me at this point feeling defeated, like they’ve failed. But I’m here to tell you that’s actually part of the journey.