The Mental Block That’s Holding You Back From A Consistent Workout Routine
Mindset, Movement Jillian Beck-Rogers Mindset, Movement Jillian Beck-Rogers

The Mental Block That’s Holding You Back From A Consistent Workout Routine

The biggest disconnect I hear from busy professionals is how to stay motivated with consistent workouts. 

Something I hear quite often is “I know I should be doing [insert healthy habit you feel frustrated/guilty about] and I want to, but I don’t know why I just can’t seem to do it.” 

Nike’s famous tagline “Just do it” may seem like easy enough instructions, but it doesn’t always go down that way in real life. And it’s really frustrating when you don’t know why. 

One time I had a client who was wrestling this same struggle, and in our coaching session she discovered something pretty profound—maybe I’m actually afraid of succeeding. 

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