Colorful Coconut Sweet Potato & Yam Mash
Food & Nutrition, Recipes Jillian Beck-Rogers Food & Nutrition, Recipes Jillian Beck-Rogers

Colorful Coconut Sweet Potato & Yam Mash

As for me, I brought my favorite Thanksgiving side dish—mashed sweet potatoes. 

I’ve loved ‘em since I was a kid. I mean, it’s a healthy vegetable, it’s sweet, and it makes your skin look good. What’s not to love?

The mashed sweet potatoes were a hit, so I wanted to share the recipe with you! 

And to step it up a notch, I’m sharing my extra colorful version for Turkey Day, which is a mix of orange sweet potatoes and purple yams. Think of this recipe as the sparklier version all dressed up for the holidays.

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Coconut Almond Bliss Balls
Food & Nutrition, Recipes, Healthier Desserts Jillian Beck-Rogers Food & Nutrition, Recipes, Healthier Desserts Jillian Beck-Rogers

Coconut Almond Bliss Balls

Here’s one of my favorite easy recipes that doubles as an afternoon snack and a dessert. These will satisfy your craving for something sweet and chewy, but instead of processed sugar all the sweetness comes from the natural sugar in the dates. They’re also full of fiber and healthy fats, which help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you full longer.

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